

old becomes new.

it is a fascinating thing when what was once old and forgotten is found and made new. for some, it is exhilarating...the thrill of the discovery and the hope from its restoration.

i am exhilarated.

sometimes, it takes the ancient history of the past to make you new again.
i guess what i am learning is that being "new" is not necessarily a method of reinvention, but rather a re-discovery of what was old.

old, simple truths.
old, simple memories.
old, simple observations.
old, simple context...somehow realized in the new, chaotic life.



Anonymous said...

it is nice to re-discover simplicity...especially amidst chaos...thank you for your blogs!

James Rowell said...

even the way you expressed that was symbolic of the point... i like that, especially as someone who can make a great truth seem like a sledgehammer with overstatement.

There is nothing new under the sun that wise man once said... maybe he was on to something. I guess i like the reminder to remember the need to remember.